Aim : To compare efficacy of pain control, the consumption of local anaesthetics and opioids as well as the side effects between continuous epidural analgesia, patient controlled analgesia and patient controlled epidural analgesia in thoracic surgery.
Methods : Prospective randomised study included 66 patients who had thoracotomy. Patients were divided into 3 groups, to receive different pain control methods.
Group 1 (n=22) received patient control analgesia
Group 2 (n=22) received continuous epidural analgesia (Bupivacaine 0,125% + 5 μg/ml of Fentanyl) between 6 and 10 ml/h in order to obtain a T2 level
Group 3 (n=22) received patient controlled epidural analgesia (Bupivacaine 0, 08% + 3μg/ml of Fentanyl) 6ml/h and bolus of 5ml.
Results : There was no difference between the three groups in age, delay of surgical operation and per operative morphine consumption. VAS was less at rest and after cough in patient group with patient controlled epidural analgesia. The difference was less significant in local anaesthetics and opioids consumption in patient with controlled epidural analgesia.
Conclusion : The benefit of patient controlled epidural analgesia in thoracic surgery is proven by the following analgesic efficiency which allows good respiratory rehabilitation, decreasing the risk of drug toxicity by decreases consumption, weak hemodynamic effects and absence of motor block.
Thoracotomy, post operative pain, epidural analgesia##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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